Our Dental Services

Comprehensive Partial Denture Solutions in Augusta, Georgia

At Augusta Family Dental, we are committed to providing exceptional solutions for perio scaling and root planing tailored to the unique needs of our patients in Augusta, Georgia. We understand the significant impact that missing teeth and gum disease can have on self-confidence and quality of life.

Our clinic takes immense pride in offering comprehensive perio scaling and root planing treatments that go beyond restoring essential functions like eating, speaking, and smiling comfortably. We recognize the importance of enhancing appearance and self-esteem through our perio scaling and root planing procedures.

Our goal at Augusta Family Dental is to address both functional and aesthetic concerns for our patients, ultimately ensuring a better quality of life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards restoring your smile and confidence.

Partial Dentures: A Convenient Solution for Missing Teeth

Partial dentures offer a removable dental solution to replace missing teeth, ideal for those with some natural teeth intact. Unlike full dentures that replace entire sets, partial dentures feature a gum-colored acrylic base with artificial teeth, secured by clasps or precision attachments onto remaining natural teeth.

Distinguished from permanent fixtures like dental bridges, partial dentures are removable for easy cleaning and maintenance, making oral hygiene simpler. They serve as a cost-effective option for individuals missing multiple teeth while retaining some healthy natural teeth.

Comprehensive Partial Denture Solutions at Augusta Family Dental

At Augusta Family Dental, we pride ourselves on offering a range of partial denture options to address the unique needs of our patients. Here’s an overview of the choices available:

  • Removable Partial Dentures: This common type of partial denture consists of replacement teeth attached to a gum-colored base. It’s secured using metal clasps or precision attachments, providing stability and functionality.
  • Temporary Dentures: Designed as a short-term solution, these dentures help maintain mouth space and shape while patients await their permanent partial dentures. They’re crucial during the healing period after tooth extractions.
  • Flexible Partial Dentures: Crafted from lightweight, flexible materials, these dentures offer superior comfort and a more natural look compared to traditional rigid options. They’re especially suitable for individuals with a low palate or those finding it challenging to adapt to conventional dentures.

Our experienced dentists conduct thorough assessments of each patient’s oral health and preferences. Through personalized consultations, we determine the most appropriate partial denture type for the upper or lower jaw. This tailored approach ensures every patient receives an optimal solution aligned with their specific needs and preferences. Trust Augusta Family Dental for comprehensive and personalized partial denture care.

Partial Dentures: Cost and Process Overview at Augusta Family Dental

At Augusta Family Dental, we understand the importance of transparent pricing and a clear process when it comes to obtaining partial dentures. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Cost Variation: The cost of partial dentures can vary based on factors such as the materials used, the number of teeth being replaced, and any additional procedures needed. During your initial consultation, our dental professionals will provide you with a detailed price list tailored to your specific needs.
  1. Initial Consultation: During your first visit, you’ll receive a comprehensive evaluation, along with a discussion of the various partial denture options available to you. We’ll also explore different payment options to accommodate your budget.
  1. Process Overview: Obtaining partial dentures typically involves several steps, including consultation and evaluation, impressions and measurements, design and fabrication, fitting and adjustments, and follow-up appointments. Our experienced team will guide you through each stage, ensuring you’re comfortable and informed every step of the way.
  1. Professional Guidance: Our dedicated team is here to provide you with expert guidance and support throughout your perio scaling and root planing journey. We’ll address any concerns you may have and ensure you receive high-quality care tailored to your unique needs.
  1. Appointment Scheduling: To get started with perio scaling and root planing or to learn more about the process, simply schedule an appointment with our compassionate and knowledgeable staff. We offer same-day availability for initial consultations to provide you with expedited service and start you on the path to a confident smile.

At Augusta Family Dental, we’re committed to offering transparent pricing, personalized treatment plans, and comprehensive care to all our patients seeking perio scaling and root planing. Trust us to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

Your Appointment

Convenient Appointments Monday through Friday.

No matter what your schedule looks like, we want to provide you with the high-quality dentistry that you deserve. 

Photo of dental procedure