clear aligners

The Benefits of Clear Aligners and Why You Should Start Now

            Do you struggle with an underbite or an overbite? Maybe your teeth have just always been crooked, and as this summer rolls around, you’re thinking it’s time you should do something about it. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Today we’ll discuss the benefits of one particular method of straightening those troublesome teeth: clear aligners.

Why Choose Clear Aligners?

A Discreet Alternative

            Clear aligners are touted as “virtually unnoticeable, even from short distances away.” This is significant advantage over traditional fixed braces, whose metal brackets and wires are hard to overlook. Some who hope for orthodontic treatment without the obvious aesthetic effect may turn to lingual braces, which rest behind the teeth. Yet even these can be detected from up close or when the person’s mouth is particularly wide.

            And even if you were content with how concealed lingual braces are, you would still have to contend with the steep price tag attached, how difficult they are to clean, and the lisp that may occur when the braces interfere with your tongue. Clear aligners, on the other hand, are smooth and just about undetectable. If you want a corrected bite without the drawbacks of traditional or lingual braces, clear aligners are the option for you.

An Unrestricted Diet

            Everyone’s heard the laundry list of things you can’t eat with braces: popcorn, taffy, whole apples, chewing gum, corn on the cob…it goes on and on. Anything too hard or sticky or with too great a potential to break a bracket and mess up the hardware is out during your time with braces. The good news about clear aligners? You can eat whatever you want! That’s right—no diet restrictions. While good judgment and moderation should always be your guide, the fact that you take your aligners out to eat means that they don’t pose any new restrictions to your diet. All you have to do is be vigilant with your oral hygiene habits so that you don’t trap bacteria under the aligners during the day.

A Less Painful Experience

            While adjusting your bite is never going to be comfortable, there is research that suggests that clear aligners such as Invisalign may be less painful for people than the traditional metal alternative. The results of the particular study linked above were, in fact, that “Traditional fixed appliances produced significantly more discomfort than did aligners.” If you are wary of the discomfort of bite correction, that may be a reason to ask your dentist if clear aligners would be possible for you.

Why Start Now?

            Maybe you’re thinking, that all sounds great, but I’ve got a lot on my plate this summer. I’m not sure that now’s really the time to take on the hassle of orthodontic treatment. While we understand the hesitation, we’d encourage you to consider these three benefits before you make up your mind.

Space to Adapt and Establish Routine

            Though they aren’t especially high maintenance, clear aligners do take some getting used to. It requires a bit of time to become familiar with the routines of taking them in and out and keeping them clean. You might also experience some discomfort as your teeth begin to shift. This makes summer an ideal time to begin clear aligners, as students are off school, and adults in the workforce enjoy long weekends off.

Time for Appointments

            A brand-new orthodontic treatment like clear aligners is always going to take more appointments up front as your orthodontist ensures that the treatment is going according to plan. Summer is an optimal time to dive into a treatment like clear aligners, as a more relaxed schedule can better accommodate these demands on your time.

The Sooner, the Better

            The good news is that if you start your treatment now, you could be finished by the time summer rolls around next year. If you want to be photo-ready in time for next year’s big vacation, then now is the time to get going.

What About the Details?

            It’s true that clear aligners are not for everyone. If you have major bite complications, traditional braces may be your only option. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, clear aligners typically work for those who have “mild to moderate” bite issues.

            For those wondering about cost, you can browse this page, which provides a breakdown of what you could potentially expect to pay. Of course, the cost of clear aligner treatment varies widely based on brand, length of treatment, and other factors. Typically, the treatment can cost anywhere from $1,200 to $8,000. While it is not always covered by insurance, the AAO reports that if your dental insurance plan includes orthodontic coverage, then it will usually consider braces and invisible aligners equally.

            Clear aligners are an effective way to treat those with mild to moderate bite problems. The user wears a series of invisible snap-on shells over their teeth that gradually push the teeth into the desired position. This provides the benefit of a more discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces which also allows the user to continue eating an unrestricted diet. Summer, with its increased space to attend appointments and implement solid oral hygiene habits, is the perfect time to launch into this treatment. If you do so now, you could be finished by next summer. 

            Augusta Family Dental is your home for clear aligners. Learn more about our services for clear aligners here. If you have questions about clear aligners or would simply like to schedule your next appointment, please contact Augusta Family Dental today and schedule an appointment online.

About Our Team

Our team of dental experts has well over 30 years of combined experience in the field of dentistry. To learn more about them, please visit the team pages for HephzibahWashington Road, Summerville, and Medical District locations. 

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